Full List of Supplies You Need to Pack for Moving

A big move is an exciting time in life. However, there can often be many challenges within the packing and moving process. Fortunately, being prepared with the right supplies and tools can make the process go much more smoothly and ensure that all of your belongings arrive safely to your final destination.

Before you even start to think about how you are going to tackle the packing, be sure to have these essential items on hand:


Boxes are the holy grail of moving supplies. Be sure to get more than you need because you will be surprised at how quickly you go through them. Collecting boxes in a variety of sizes will help to ensure that you have the right box for every need. For example, books and other heavy items should go in smaller boxes so that they can be safely lifted. Wine boxes are ideal for packing fragile items because of the built-in padding. Specially designed wardrobe boxes will even allow you to move your clothing while still on the hangars.



You will need lots of packing tape so do not be tempted to go cheap on this. A shipping tape roll with a sharp edge will prove invaluable as you work to secure boxes quickly and efficiently.

For even more capability, consider upgrading to a tape gun.


How you decide to label your boxes is a personal decision. If you are extra organized, you can prepare in advance by printing labels. It is a good idea to box things by room so that the unpacking process is easier and faster.

Color coding your boxes or labels is also an innovative way to keep everything organized. If you do not want to make labels, a simple permanent marker will suffice in labeling the boxes and providing directions on where they need to land.


Any moving supply store will sell a variety of padding essentials for every need. From bubble wrap to packing peanuts to foam sheets, there is an abundance of choices when deciding how to protect your most fragile items best.

You can also choose to use your own towels and clothing to wrap valuables.


Blankets can work to protect furniture edges from the rigors of moving, and pro movers say they’re essential for transporting appliances. Do not waste money on renting specialty moving blankets. Simple blankets from your home will work just fine and you will need to take them with you anyway.


A mattress cover will help to protect your mattress from dust, dirt, bugs, and other pollutants and irritants while moving.


Once all of the boxes have been packed up, you will likely have a few extra essentials that need to make it to the new place. Having a few tote bags on hand will make it easy to pack up the last remaining items as you are on your way out of the door.

Armed with the right supplies and tools, packing, moving, and unpacking can be made as painless as possible.

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